# First connection

When you first connect to Cocoom, you go through 3 steps of onboarding.

⚠️ None of these steps is mandatory, you can click on "next" to continue.

🚧 You will be able to modify these information later in your dashboard.

# Accept the terms of use

This is essential to move on further more.

# Choose your subscriptions

Your subscriptions are the Cocoom thematic channels that you wish to follow more closely.

When you select a feed from this list, all the publications it contains are in your selection: "knowledge base" tab > my selection

You will also be notified by email each time there is a new publication in one of these feeds (only if you didn't read them).

You can modify your subscriptions at any time. in : "knowledge base" tab > my selection > manage my subscriptions

# Fill in your profile

As a Cocoom user, you have a profile referenced in the Cocoom directory and visible to all other users of your knowledge base.

Apart from your email, first and last name (automatically retrieved) all other fields are optional. You can go to the next step if you don't want to fill them in.

To retrieve or modify your profile go to : Dashboard > my profile

πŸ‘‹ Some very useful tips to fill out your profile :

  • the year of your date of birth does not appear
  • to add a skill or superpower, tap "enter" to add the word or set of words to your list. otherwise it will not register πŸ™‚
  • to add a Linkedin profile, just copy/paste your profile address from Linkedin
  • The "path" part is a free text field... you can see what you do with it!
  • the chinese portrait is much more meaningful when you add emoji to it


To bring up the emoji keyboard type :

  • on windows : windows / ;
  • on mac : control / command / space

Good job!

You've completed the onboarding process, you can move on to the next section.

Last Updated: 2 years ago