# Structure your Cocoom

# Knowledge Base

🌱 A Cocoom knowledge base represents an indivisible unit : Even if the functionalities may vary from one profile to another, all users have access to the same information and authenticate themselves in the same way. A base is a common and shared space that cannot be divided into private subgroups.

🌟 Cocoom Philosophy : for us, knowledge management must be transversal and must not have any barriers, which is why we have decided not to hide or conceal information on a knowledge base.

A base is characterized by fixed elements :

  • its unique URL: https://(your-name).cocoom.com
  • its authentication system: simple or SSO

A base is structured by variable elements:

  • #thematic threads: categories of publications
  • #tags: publication filters

# #thematic threads

This is the obligatory and indispensable structure of your knowledge base! The #thematic threads are the basic element that allow you to navigate through your knowledge and differentiate it. They function as categories.

A publication must be made in a #thematic thread, by default it can be named "General" or bear the name of the company.

A publication cannot be associated with two #thematic threads.

# Tags

Tags represent a second level of specification for a publication, they allow to add keywords that will simplify the sorting or searching of publications.

The tags are not associated with a particular #thematic thread and they are all at the same level, therefore perfectly transversal to your database.

# Hubs of knowledge bases

In some cases, you may need to create more complex structures, to compartmentalize knowledge or to manage your users differently.

A hub allows you to link several bases together.

A hub consists of a mother knowledge base and one or more daughter knowledge bases.

A mother knowledge base can have as many daughters as necessary but a daughter knowledge base can only have one mother.

The bases are linked by the Cocoom support on demand (see offer).

Once connected, these knowledge bases form a HUB, they are part of a single family and you will be able to create transversality between these bases.

Each base has its own characteristics:

  • a unique URL
  • an authentication system
  • of users
  • a structure of thematic feeds, tags

The hub allows the exchange of information, via thematic feeds between these bases.

All bases can:

  • share a thematic thread: in reading / in reading - writing
  • receive a thematic thread: reading / reading - writing

Users remain independent but can be linked

A user can have access to several bases in the same hub. He will then be able to switch from one base to another.

Authentication is managed base by base

Depending on the case, you can for a given database :

  • have a simple access for external persons (partners, customers, suppliers...)
  • have a specific SSO access (holding Azure client, SSO slack...)

# Good practices

We advise you to start simple !

Few thematic #threads to start creating a strong use and exchange on these restricted #threads.

Tag architecture must be thought from the beginning to best qualify the information and allow users to find it efficiently over time.

When you are considering a global deployment and the implementation of Hubs, we advise you to think about it upstream. A simple and effective technique is to organize it in the form of mindmapping involving all stakeholders.

Last Updated: 4 years ago